Name: Zorvan
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown.
Species (all that apply(Except for any dragon related ones!): half demon, Half Unknown.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Purple
Height:Tall. ***Zorvan is, unfortunately (see chaos chart.) 6 and a half feet tall.***
Other:He's almost always grinning, not a crazy grin, just the grin of a guy who's genuinely happy with situation.
Info: A powerful chaos mage, Zorvan looks on the world as his
playground, creating and destroying things for fun and often. He doesn't
trust easily, and tends to be protective of those he
does trust.
Classes: Math. And history.
Chaos magic. As such, his powers tend to rival even that of the old
gods. Fortunately for the world, he's forever 'cursed,' as he calls it,
with a good mood, so the world stays unconquered and undestroyed.
Weapons/Equipment: Chaos sword, made of chaos magic, it can never become lost, and he can fix it with his magic easily enough.
Cloak of many things, many things. This cloak has many uses, such as teleportation, flight, near invisibility, and so on.
Hat of DOOOOM! Doesn't do any thing, but he likes to make people think it does.